A journey of the spirit: Alexander von Humboldt in Spain

Original Title
Un viaje del espíritu: Alexander von Humboldt en España


Instituto Cervantes, traveling exhibition


This traveling exhibition was put on to commemorate Humboldt’s extended stay in Spain, to prepare the administrative formalities and scientific work for his American Expedition (1799-1804). It describes his travels through Spain, the image he portrayed of it in his letters and publications, and his interaction with the academic community which he collaborated with, mainly in Madrid. Furthermore, it demonstrates the diversity of opinions on the Prussian explorer in different sectors of Spanish society over the course of the 19th century.

Berlin (Sept.-Oct. 2006), Munich (Nov. 2006-Jan. 2007), Bremen (Feb.-March 2007), Manchester (Sept.-Oct. 2007), London (Nov.-Dec. 2007), Vienna (Jan.-March 2008) and Madrid (2009). An extended version of this exhibition was inaugurated in Tenerife, Canary Islands, under the title, Alexander von Humboldt en la Península Ibérica y en Canarias in 2009, and has been held in a number of different locations in the Canary Islands.

Exhibition Catalogue